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Worker Bee Solutions employment applicationWorker Bee Solutions employment application

New Hire Information


The following information is required in order to input a candidate into our EOS (Employee Onboarding System) for purposes of employment and payroll (worker’s compensation and insurance) purposes.  This must be completed prior to assigning a candidate to any job that WBS has available.  Please also sign the Equal Opportunity acknowledgement and turn in to the appropriate WBS Officer.


Please use your legal name as it appears on your federal issued identification.

Position Applied to (please check one)
Are you a registered apprentice and or Journeyman through Colorado DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies)?

Procedure and Policy:  A WBS candidate / employee must check in three times weekly while waiting for placement.  Once you have been approved by any WBS sponsored site, you will receive a text message / email with specific information related to the job such as: Company dispatched to, site address, Foreman / Site contact name and number as well as any specific instructions regarding parking.  Your wage will also be included so there is no question about the wage agreed upon.  You will be required to respond to the text / email about the job, and first day of any job you need to notify a WBS officer via call or text your arrival.  Not following this dispatching protocol may result in you being replaced.  Call in policy: Should you feel to ill or have an issue keeping you from attending work, you MUST follow protocol by notifying your onsite foreman as well as notify a WBS officer.  Texts are fine provided you’re clear on when you intend to return to work.  Lastly, if you have a personal appointment please to give prior notice as we communicate this to the company we dispatch you to prevent any potential “No Call No Show” situation.


Worker Bee Solutions is committed to creating an Equal Opportunity for any individual we hire.  Company success is dependent on fostering a fair and inclusive workplace to everyone. To this end, all employees, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including gender identity, transgender status, sexual orientation and pregnancy), age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation or retaliation, must be provided with civil, equitable and inclusive workplaces, free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation. All WBS employees are accountable for maintaining a safe and civil work environment for all employees that is free from unlawful discrimination harassment, retaliation, bullying, intimidation, violence, threats of violence or other disruptive or inappropriate behaviors.


We expect our clients and their employees to conduct themselves professionally and we expect our workforce to conduct themselves as such.


Any such complaint against a WBS employee failing to comply with these procedures will result in an investigation to any and all actions that were demonstrated by the accused employee.  Consequences such as termination and or legal action will be pursued by Worker Bee Solutions if necessary.



By signing this form, you acknowledge you have read and understand this Equal Opportunity policy and will adhere to conducting yourself in a manner conducive to said policy.

Thanks for submitting!

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